Guénaëlle Dérian


Primary - Guanaelle Derian

Guénaëlle Dérian

European Languages Specialist Teacher (French)

Master of Economic and Social Administration - University of Rennes
Master of Training Engineering - Pierre and Marie Curie University
Bachelor of Education and Training Sciences - Université Lumière Lyon 2
Diploma in Teaching French as a Foreign Language - Alliance Francaise

Born and raised in the northwest of France, Guénaëlle has been living in Singapore for 18 years. She graduated in Education Sciences in French as a foreign language and holds a Master in Training Engineering and has now amassed over 20 years of teaching French as a foreign language. For Guénaëlle, a playful, multisensory, and action-oriented approach is key to effective learning. She believes that learning foreign languages enriches the mind, broadens cultural horizons, and prepares children for future situations by offering them a better understanding of the world. In the context of globalisation, it is an essential asset that fosters open-mindedness. Her values include kindness, inclusion, commitment, creativity, adaptability, and collaboration.

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CPE Registration No. 201009668C, 21 March 2023 to 20 March 2027

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