Jordan Bool


Learner Support & Wellness - Jordan Bool

Jordan Bool

Learning Support Integrator (Primary)

Postgraduate Diploma in Learning and Teaching - University of Oxford
PGCE in Music (Primary) - University of Exeter
Bachelor of Arts in Music (Honours) - Bath Spa University, UK

From the UK, Jordan has over 10 years of experience in working with children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). He has been a specialist SEN teacher in a number of schools, working with students of all ages. Prior to coming to Singapore, Jordan held the post of Deputy Head Teacher SEN Coordinator at a large special school in the UK. Jordan holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music, a PGCE in Primary Education from the Univerity of Exeter (UK) and a post-graduate degree in Learning and Teaching from the University of Oxford, specialising in curriculum access and specialist pedagogy for neuro-diverse learners. Jordan values creative teaching practices that promote curiosity and a love for learning.

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CPE Registration No. 201009668C, 21 March 2023 to 20 March 2027

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