Eloisa Sayo
Year 2 Classroom Assistant

Eloisa has been teaching young learners for almost 2 decades and has melded her identity with being a Teacher by trade. She has a Bachelor Degree in Primary Education , Major in Guidance and Counselling and is a licensed teacher in her home country Philippines.

Eloisa has a strong communication skills with learners where she can tailor learning and deliver instructions to learners based on the learners unique communication style, that assure each one of them are feel important, she believed that having a simple conversation with the learners can have a big impact on their studies, that benefits both learners and educators.

Eloisa enjoys going for a long walk and likes creating on her free time , from her own dish to art and craft. And also her interest in reading picture books is one of her way to connect and communicate with the learners.

She highly believed to the combined quotes, “Children makes your life important, Teaching them change the world one child at a time”